Claim Enquiries
As part of our philosophy of continuous improvement, we welcome any feedback on our claims process and ideas for how to provide the best possible service for you and your customers.
For all claims enquiries, contact us on 0800 TLCLAIMS (0800 852 524) or
At TLC, we believe our key differentiator is our focus on claims. Combined with our specialised policy wordings and expert staff, we are dedicated to delivering the best possible claims process. Additionally, we offer added value through post-loss assessments for client risk mitigation and learning.
Please use the links above to access the relevant claim form. Take care to complete all paperwork thoroughly and accurately.

127 Second Avenue, Tauranga 3110
PO Box 7006, Tauranga 3148
Phone. +64 7 544 6686
Freephone. 0800 TLC INS (0800 852 467)