Corporate Social Responsibility - TLC Style

At TLC Insurance, we take our Corporate Social Responsibility seriously, with a long history of sponsorship in a number of areas that are important to us. Over our history, we have climbed our local Mauao 38 times for charity, supported our local rescue helicopter, sponsored local sports teams and our local Special Olympians, plus we've been long term sponsors of national industry support groups where heavy machinery is used. We also support regional rugby in both the North and South Island, choosing provinces that are strongly aligned to our client and broker base. Here's a summary of our latest activity:  

Industry Sponsorship - FICA

We are a longstanding sponsor of FICA, the Forestry Industry Contractors Association. TLC Insurance has been a key sponsor of FICA for over a decade, illustrating our firm belief in supporting those who support us and staying close to the insights that key industry reps can give us regarding what’s important to their membership base.

Industry Sponsorship - CCNZ

In 2021, TLC Insurance became a major associate of CCNZ, the national association for Civil Contractors in New Zealand. We are pleased and proud to support an organisation that represents 600 providers, many of whom are clients of ours. It’s also a privilege to join many other well known companies in support of this critical industry sector.  

127 Second Avenue, Tauranga 3110

PO Box 7006, Tauranga 3148

Phone. +64 7 544 6686
Freephone. 0800 TLC INS (0800 852 467)